I know that many Mother’s are anti-birth-plans because they believe it is difficult to plan birth. When writing a birth plan you are communicating with those who will be present at your birth, so it is important to write one. It gives the midwifes an idea of the birth you would like, and if things change there are no surprises or changes that are unexpected.  Writing a birth plan can be rather exciting-just like birth itself!
A birth plan does not have to be a very long document, full of polite paragraphs. You can be respectful and gentle when discussing the plan with your midwife before the birth,  and of course your birth doula can help you. The midwifes will glance over your birth  so be sure to have it on a one sides piece of A4 paper with short bullet points.
How do you decide what to write in your birth plan? Again your birth doula will be able to help you if not then write a list of everything you want (using one of those comprehensive pre-formatted examples found online) and then prioritize. Read over the entire list with your birth partner, so they are aware of all your hopes and can remember to respect the wishes such as dimming the lights and massaging your back, for you. If there is a procedure you would like to avoid, again you can state this in your birth plan. For example  “Please do not offer me an epidural; if I need one, I will ask.â€
When writing your birth plan make sure you do not leave anything out, from skin-on-skin to letting the cord pulsate to Vitamin K – everything you want them to know should fit onto that one side on the A4 paper. Leave nothing to chance.
Make a few copies of your birth plan. Give one to the midwife before your birth. One should be on the top of the paperwork you bring with you to the birth, and another should be as a spare in the birthing room for everyone to see. If there is a midwife change be sure to let the midwife know you have a birth plan and ask them to glance over it.
Good luck and good birth!