Remedies and Lotions
There are many ways to consume the placenta after birth all equally beneficial to new mother. You can personalise your placenta remedies and lotions in the way you choose, perhaps you would like placenta creams, placenta balms, placenta tincture, placenta essence or a placenta homeopathic remedy. Placenta remedies and lotions such as the placenta essence, placenta tincture, placenta balms, placenta creams and placenta homeopathic are made using only a small piece of placenta; each placenta remedy and lotion has their own benefit for you and your baby so its a good idea to read through all remedies and lotions to ensure you make the most out of your placenta.
The most modern non-invasive way to consume the placenta is capsule, known as placenta encapsulation. Preparing your placenta into easy-to-take placenta pills is a simple way to ensure postnatal health and vitality after you have your baby. Your placenta is unique and the perfect nourishment for your healing and rejuvenation after birth. Your placenta contains one of the highest concentrations of essential hormones, iron, B vitamins and micro-nutrients found in any plant or animal species. For this reason placenta remedies and lotions may be of a great benefit to you and your baby. If you would like your placenta to support you during your menopause its a very good idea to order the Placenta Tincture remedy.
New dedicated Placenta Encapsulation website coming Spring 2017
Placenta Capsules
Each placentas hormone and mineral make up is completely unique to you and your baby. It contains your own natural hormones which is made perfectly for you which cannot compare with any over the counter supplement or pill, this is why placenta encapsulation (capsules, pills or tablets) are so unique. The placenta remedies and lotions may also help with post birth healing. Here are some testimonials from clients that have had their placenta made into placenta remedies and lotions.
“Totally amazing! Everyone should have their placenta made into placenta pills!”
“I can honestly say that placenta encapsulation is the best baby investments I have made.”
“After taking my placenta capsules I felt strong, strangely energised, mentally alert and had no issues breastfeeding.”
“Placenta capsules helped with my mood and iron levels as I lost a great deal of blood.”
“Traditional Chinese Medicine placenta capsules were like magic energy supplements, I couldn’t believe that I didn’t feel tired in first few weeks.”
“Since having my placenta made into placenta remedies and lotions I have not suffered with postnatal depression as I did with my other two children.”
“Every time I took a placenta capsule my mood noticeably lifted and I felt able to cope much better.”
“I am so glad that I decided to have my placenta encapsulated and made into placenta remedies and lotions. I would recommend you highly to anyone else interested in encapsulation.”
“I’m sure the placenta tablets are responsible for completely changing my breastfeeding experience into an incredibly positive one!”
“I suffered with depression pre-pregnancy, having the placenta tablets definitely made a big difference to me.”
“On taking a placenta capsule I had an instant energy boost and haven’t had any emotional lows at all. I feel calm and content.”
“I found my placenta capsules magical. I have recovered from birth very quickly and would recommend placenta encapsulation to all pregnant mother-to-be.”
“The placenta pills helped me recover from the birth very quickly, my baby was 9 pounds and I had a third degree tear. My midwife was so surprised to see me up and about and full of beans.”
“The placenta cream has worked wonders on my two year old daughters eczema. I also feel secure knowing that I have the placenta tincture for life should I need it.”
“Very soon after taking the placenta pills my milk came and has been amazing since. I am so happy I encapsulated my placenta and had them made into placenta pills.”
“I had my placenta made in to placenta remedies and lotions and have used all of them. I am so happy that I had my placenta made into remedies and lotions.
“My energy levels have been incredible since taking my placenta capsules despite all the worry and the sleepless nights and my milk production, even for feeding twins has been incredible. I have a freezer full of excess milk, even the doctors are amazed at how good my milk has been. I was also back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a matter of weeks.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) placenta capsules
TCM placenta capsules are thought to have more healing and warming properties than simple placenta capsules. The Traditional placenta capsules can be taken twice, three times a day to balance your hormones. TCM placenta capsules are stored in a jar for up to a year. If you would like a remedy that will help you through your menopause Placenta Tincture is the remedy for you. There will not be enough TCM placenta capsules to support you during your menopause. You can also make placenta essence, placenta homeopathic remedy and placenta balms from any TCM placenta capsules you have left over or decide to keep. The average amount of capsules from a placenta delivered at 40-42 weeks gestation is 140.
Simple placenta capsules
Combined placenta capsules
Placenta tincture
Placenta tincture may:
- great for returning menstrual cycles
- regulating menstrual cycles
- help naturally replace hormones during menopause
- balance your hormones during monthly PMS
- help prevent hot flushes, palpitations and mood swings
- help prevent postnatal depression
- ease anxiety and emotional distress
- help your daughters transition into puberty
- offer future PMS support for your baby girl
Homeopathic placenta remedy
Homeopathic placenta remedy for the mother:
In my experience and from the placenta remedies and lotions feedback I receive from my clients the placenta remedy may help the mother by improving symptoms of emotional stress, mental weakness, postnatal depression, separation anxiety, sorrow and hormone imbalance, such as when your period returns or when weaning your baby off the breast. The homeopathic placenta remedy may also help in the future with emotional symptoms. You get about 200 lactose pilules with a potency of 30C. These are taken when symptoms are noticed. Take one pilule when symptoms are noticed and continue one pilule every 20 minutes until symptoms subside.
Homeopathic placenta remedy for the baby:
Homeopathic placenta remedy can be used for many constitutional or unusual ailments, throughout your babies entire life. This remedy may promote you baby/child’s general health, boost immunity and strengthen your child. It can also be taken in times of stress, fussiness, separation anxiety, potty training, first day of school, moving and during times of growth such as crawling, walking and weaning. Placenta homeopathic remedy has been especially helpful with babies who have colic. It may be given twice a day for a child who looks run down, pale, or their appetite needs to be stimulated. If your child seems to be developing an illness like a cold, runny nose, cough or virus you can give them four tablets a day. In later life the placenta homeopathic remedy can be especially beneficial for females beginning menstruation, pregnancy, new mother, breastfeeding and menopause. For male or female the homeopathic remedy may be used during times of change like starting college, career change and such other circumstances. About 200 lactose pilules are made with a potency of 7C. The pilules are given when symptoms are noticed and continue one pilule every 20 minutes until symptoms subside. The pilules can be dissolve easily in a teaspoon of boiling water and left to cool. You can then give this mixture to your baby.
Placenta essence
Placenta essence may:
- help when baby is unsettled, irritable and unwell
- ease and offer comfort to babies with colic
- give energy and strength when poorly
- support immune function
- help with teething pain
- boosts babies immune system
- help when weaning baby from breastfeeding
- help with separation anxiety
Placenta creams for mother and placenta cream for baby
Placenta cream for mother and placenta cream for baby may
- Placenta cream for mother may:
- reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- help regenerate damaged skin cells
- reduce pigmentation and diminish the appearance of age spots
- restore the smoothness and softness to the skin
- hydrate and moisturise the skin
- increase collagen levels
- Placenta cream for baby may:
- soothe and heal neonatal acne (‘baby acne’)
- help with dry skin and dry scaly patches
- rehydrate dry newborn skin
- keep your babys skin soft and smooth
- reduce skin inflammation from eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis
- soothe and heal irritated skin
Placenta balms for mother and baby
Placenta balm for mother and baby may:
- heal and soothe nappy rash
- reduce the appearance of c-section scaring
- help soothe and heal cradle cap
- reduce the appearance of stretch marks
- heal haemorrhoids
- heal perennial tearing
- reduce skin inflammation
- relieves pain and itchiness
Organic fruit placenta smoothie
Organic fruit placenta smoothie may:
- support lactation
- immediately replenish vitamins, nutrients, hormones and iron
- prevent haemorrhaging
- boost your immune system
- significantly reduced postnatal bleeding
- help establish an early and healthy milk supply
- stimulate the healing of the uterus
- replenish B vitamins and increase energy